Saturday, October 13, 2012


Not unlike the image to the left, we often seem to find ourselves in the midst of a fog. Between the stresses of circumstances, the demands of family, work, bills, and the chaos of Murphy’s Law we cannot see much further than the end of our toes. And even they seem a bit murky and just a little out of focus; as for that next step, well it appears to disappear into the mists. Added to the fog is the reality that we never seem to be able to stroll pleasantly through the fog, but rather are forced to sprint head-on into the unknown. Yet, we face decisions daily that have grave consequences – for us and for those we love. How do we move forward…

Discovering a way forward…light in the darkness

One of the issues I find in my own life when I attempt to move forward is that I am trying to figure it all out myself. What I mean is this; it is incredibly difficult to figure out what needs to happen when I am caught up in my own opinions and convictions. There is no mediating voice if it is only me. I used to like the analogy of needing a mirror, something that can reflect back to us what is really real – not just the way we feel or think. However, even this is not enough, for it is still us that are looking into the mirror and we are still seeing with same set of eyes, the same set up categories, experiences etc…What we need is a conversation partner.
We do not need a yes man or women, we need someone who knows more than we do, communicates better than we do, understands us better than we do, and loves us enough to intervene, gently, in our lives. The easiest analogy is often the role parents were meant to play. Yet, even they are not enough. They too are merely human. They, like ourselves, our caught up in their own stories, struggle with sin, and are            shaped by their past and their experience. What we desperately desire is transcendence; someone who is able to be above it all, to see clearly, to know what is right and true even prophetic. We also need someone who is with us. Someone who can empathize with our pain, understand our temptations and struggles, and cares deeply about our soul. We need a divine conversation partner, who is also one of us. A partner who is us. We need the transcendent to become immanent. It is the testimony of the Scriptures to reveal such a man. “In the Word became flesh and dwelt among us”, (John 1:14) and we enter into the conversation, the dialogue, as the power of the Holy Spirit speaks in and through the Scriptures. But more than that Jesus did not leave us alone, but gave us the Church – namely that community that is meant to put flesh and blood to the good news of the gospel and minister in His name. The community called into existence by the Holy Spirit, led by Christ, and where his presence dwells.

It is in this community that a way forward takes on a practical and tangible reality. Jesus calls us out of our isolation and independence into the life-giving interdependence of a community created by him, for him, and maintained in him. He continues to be our conversation partner, our “true mirror” as we interact in this community, hear the Word preached, partake in the sacraments, and submit to his authority. The way forward is a way revealed by faith and worked out in community.

Melody and I have once again discovered our desperate need for Christ and his community. As we have continued to pray and look for a church home I am continually struck at the significance of the investment many of you have had and continue to have in my life. We cannot overestimate the eternal significance of those we meet who are willing and called to walk beside us in this life. We are not just friends, we are brothers and sisters in the Lord and we are co-heirs together with Him.

24 And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, 25 not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.
Hebrews 10:24-25

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